Thursday, March 29, 2012

Most Versatile Playpen EVER!


For Emmy's first birthday, we bought her this playpen with 1 extension kit.  Since then, I have found a cornucopia of ways in which to use this awesome little enclosure.

As a Standard Playpen:

As a Play Area (enables play on couch):

As a Gate (blocks doors and entry ways):

As a Guard (for furniture and cabinets):

As a Toy (a tent/tunnel/fort):

As you can see, this playpen has really grown with her.  It has been the best purchase I have made thus far.  It's a great enclosure, and it folds fairly flat for storage.  Though, I did not take a picture of the folded state.  It also comes with a nice removable handle that you can use when transporting it.

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