Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Way to Organize Your Bookmarks

A few days ago, we talked about organizing your internet bookmarks with Tidy Favorites.  But maybe you don't want to install additional software on your machine, maybe you run an Apple machine, maybe you're more comfortable with website titles (instead of the new thumbnails), or maybe you just don't like Tidy Favorites.  I was actually going through some of my own favorites (have to clean them out from time to time, you know) when I found LinkaGoGo.  LinkaGoGo is the site I used long before I found Tidy Favorites.  I think two of the coolest features of LinkaGoGo is being able to (1) password protect your favorites and (2) share them with friends.  The real reason I stopped using is it simply because your favorites are stored on their central hub.  I'm a bit of  a major control freak, and I like having my favorites on my own computer and backing them up as often as I deem necessary - which sadly, is all too often...

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