Thursday, April 19, 2012

8 Uses for Baby Wipes

I have often told my husband that when our little girl is no longer wearing diapers, I will still keep baby wipes in the house (regardless of the addition of any children).  Why?  Because they are AWESOME!  There are so many little uses for baby wipes that I never considered until we had Emmy:

  1. After Dinner Wipe - After eating a terribly messy meal (such as ribs or bbq chicken), baby wipes make the perfect "cleaner-upper" for hands and faces.
  2. Soothing Wipe - Baby wipes make great soothing solutions to a nasty sunburn.
  3. Makeup Wipe - The perfect makeup remover!  No time spent putting solutions onto wipes or cotton, and no icky "oily" residue left behind.
  4. Cleansing Wipe - When you can't wash a cut or scrape in a sink, these make great cleansing alternatives to use before applying ointment and a bandage.
  5. Dusting Wipe - Everything from keyboards to bathroom sinks can be "dusted" with a baby wipe.
  6. Blotting Wipe - Baby wipes can blot up small spills from upholstery and carpet.
  7. Auto Wipe - Keeping wipes in your car can provide you with cleanup from pumping gas or eating on-the-go.
  8. Workout Wipe - Baby wipes are great for cleaning up after a workout.  Use them to wipe your brow (or other sweaty parts, if needed) or to clean off equipment.

BONUS:  You can also use the empty baby wipes containers to store small items such as: sewing supplies, loose change, plastic bags, first-aid supplies, et cetera.

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